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Friday, June 8, 2012

The CFDA Incubators Second Class Is Now in Session

The CFDA Incubator's second class held an open house for editors and buyers in its 209 West 38th Street workspace yesterday. The group, announced back in August, includes Arielle Shapiro of Ari Dein, Daniel Vosovic, Doug and Ben Burkman of Burkman Bros, Christian Cota, Emanuela Duca, Luis Fernandez of NUMBER:Lab, Reece Solomon of Reece Hudson, Ricky Hendry and Marc Daniels of Isaora, Timo Weiland and Alan Eckstein of Timo Weiland, and Whitney Pozgay of WhiT — who managed to squeeze in after some of the original names dropped out. (Antonio Azzuolo and the Lake & Stars mysteriously disappeared from the roster at some point.) The third floor "fishbowl" or "dorms" — as many of them refer to it, with its wood floors, brick walls, and multiple break rooms — is a welcome change for the designers, as most operated out of their apartments prior to moving in last month. The CFDA even secured them each a reduced rent of $2,000 per month — this is still New York, after all.

Via: The CFDA Incubators Second Class Is Now in Session


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